关于大连化物所文化讲坛第77讲 有趣的左右规则 的通知 Right and Left in Art, all-day life, science and even politics

The Right and Left concept is very familiar in our all-day life: ex.: why the cars have to drive on the right side of the roads in China and left side in UK or Japan, why the screws or the threads are mainly right-handed, why we have left-handed scissors or cork-screws? This concept is very general and appears in science (e.g. in Chemistry in the concept of chirality from Greek root hand), but also in architecture (spiral staircase), in art (he way to read and understand a painting or sculptures in front of cathedrals), in nature (most of the shells are right-handed), in religions and cultural aspects (good-evil, right side-wrong or left side, angel-devil), and even in politics in many countries as in France. In many languages, right is associated with good and skillful (dexterous) and left with non-trustable (e.g. left-handed compliment).



  报告人:Charles Kappenstein

Charles Kappenstein, born in 1946 in Lorraine (France)

Master of Sciences (Chemistry): University of Strasbourg, 1968

Assistant Professor: University of Reims, 1968-1981

Ph.D.: University of Reims, 1977

Post-doc: Technische Universit?t, München, Garching, by Prof. E.O. Fischer, 1978

Associate Professor: University of Poitiers, 1982-1991

Post Doc: Ludwig Maximilian Universit?t, München, by Prof. Helmut Kn?zinger, 1985

Professor, University of Poitiers, 1992-


Prize of the Coordination Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society, 1981

Honor Professor of the University 'A; I. Cuza', Iasi, Romania, 2003

Honor Medal of the University P.J. Safarik, Kosice, Slovakia, 2003

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