
  主讲人:法中科学及应用基金会Anne-Sophie Caen 




  法中科学及应用基金会(Foundation Franco-Chinoise pour la Science et ses Application,简称FFCSA)由法国科学院和中国科学院联合创建,主要目的是通过资助博士后奖学金项目,促进中法两国在科学及应用方面的科技交流、科技合作。 

  The FFCSA Foundation was created in 2001 to promote Sino-French co-operation in science and its applications. The Foundation, in concertation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and in co-operation with the China Scholarship Council (CSC), has as its prime mission to organize post-doc. Exchanges between France and China. Numerous partnerships with French industry allow France to host the visiting researchers. 

  Since 2002, over one hundred and a half Chinese post-docs have been selected by a Franco-Chinese Jury for candidates from China's foremost universities to come and work in high-level laboratories in France. Upon returning to China, these post-docs benefit from excellent career prospects and from continue often continue to liaise with their French host laboratories. 



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