DICP Symposium (No. 46) 2018 Annual Meeting of International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation (ICESI)






  The International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation (ICESI) is a new international professional organization focusing on the science and technology challenges for grid scale energy and renewable energy integration. Energy storage is among the top priorities for current and future energy infrastructure and modern technologies. Although the need and significance of energy storage are widely recognized, there is not an internationally recognized body that can function as a central platformor authority to address the long term scientific and technological challenges forwide spread deployment of energy storage technologies on electric grid. Furthermore, there is a large gap between the market needs, the manufacture industry, and the scientific community on the vision and the pathway forward to enable large scale adoption of storage technologies.

  The purpose of ICESI is to establish an international forum to connect research community and industry in the world to address the long term scientific and technological challenges for the development and deployment of scalable energy storage technologies for electric grid and emerging market applications, and to serve as the authority, spokesperson and advocator for supporting energy storage research. In addition, ICESI will help identify the gaps in science, markets and technologies to promote collaboration in the international community and collaborations between the research community and industry, provide realistic assessment of current and future technologies, and provide guidance for long term research and long term investment. ICESI will also recognize and promote significant scientific and technological advances, individuals and teams who have made significant contributions in the field, establish new platforms and mechanisms to integrate and utilize the best resources in the scientific community and solve major scientific and technology challenges of key technologies, and speed up the transfer of these technologies to industry.


  Session One: Industry and market needs

  Session Two: Advanced lithium ion batteries for grid scale storage

  Session Three: Redox flow batteries for grid scale storage

  Session Four: Emerging chemistries and technologies

  Session Five: Young Career Forum

  Session Six: Posters





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