International Symposium on Isotopic Sudies in Catalysis and Electrocatalysis


  会议地点:法国 普瓦捷



  The main purpose of the ISOTOPCAT symposium is to gather the catalysis and electrocatalysis communities in order to explore, review and compare the different methods of investigation based on isotopic labeling.

  In particular the aim is to favor the exchanges between the scientists working on heterogeneous catalysis science, fuel cells and membrane technologies having important common problems to solve, especially the elucidation of diffusion and reaction mechanisms.

  Ideally, one expects to unify the concepts and models of mobility treated by isotopic labeling. Application of these models will concern the chemistry for energy (fuel cell, electrolysis) and chemistry for environment (pollutant abatement, green chemistry).

  To facilitate the interaction and the debates between the scientists, this three-day symposium will be limited to a maximum of 150 participants in only one session.

  We look forward to welcoming you at ISOTOPCAT2019 from 3rd to 5th July 2019 at "Espace Mendès France" in Poitiers (France).

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