报告人:凯瑟琳娜·科瑟-赫英郝斯(Katharina Kohse-H?inghaus)教授
Bielefeld University, Germany,President of the Combustion Institute
凯瑟琳娜·科瑟-赫英郝斯(Katharina Kohse-H?inghaus)教授于1978年毕业于德国波鸿-鲁尔大学并获博士学位。从1994年起担任德国比勒菲尔德大学化学系教授。目前研究方向包括光学诊断、燃烧化学、功能材料表面沉积制备及定性等。迄今已发表近200篇期刊论文,并在2004年国际燃烧学会成立50周年大会上做大会特邀报告。她的科研成就已获得国际研究界的广泛赞赏,并在一系列重要学术组织任职,如现任国际燃烧学会主席(2012)、德国科学院院士(2008)、国际纯粹和应用化学联合会会士(2006)、德国洪堡基金会遴选委员会副主席(2009)、德国科学与人文委员会成员(2012)和国际燃烧界权威期刊《燃烧与火焰》前任主编(2004-2010)等。此外,她还获得了大量的科学奖项和政府奖励,如国际纯粹和应用化学联合会及美国化学会颁发的“化学/化工领域杰出女性科学家奖”(2011)、德国总统霍斯特·科勒(Horst K?hler)颁发的“德意志联邦共和国十字勋章”(2007)等。
Among the great challenges for the 21st century, the need for reliable and sustainable energy plays an important role. Combustion energy is perceived as a mature source in the energy supply, with an image of contributing to undesired climate change and to emissions that may be adverse to human health and to air quality. Nevertheless, combustion energy will not be dispensable in the near future. Current developments include alternative combustion processes, such as low-temperature homogeneous and catalytic combustion, as well as alternative fuels, often derived from biological or biotechnological sources. Combustion chemistry in such new environments is essential to contribute to cleaner combustion systems and technology.
报告联系人:十一室 程丽娜(9040)