报告人:Dr. Kunlei Liu
Associate Director for Research, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Kunlei Liu, Ph.D, has over 25 years’ experience in directing rebsearch projects in the areas of combustion, gasification, and emissions control. Since 2006, as principal investigator, he has received more than $45M from US DOE, the State of Kentucky, and an industrial consortium to develop a robust and cost‐effective technology for pollution control, water treatment, CO2 capture and utilization from power generation process that convers advanced catalytic solvent development and evaluation, process integration, membrane-based the solvent enrichment, chemical looping combustion/gasification, and metal behavior in the post‐combustion carbon capture system. His research interests include fossil fuel combustion and gasification, emission control, carbon management in power plant and biomass utilization for fuels and chemicals. Dr. Liu received his Bachelor of engineering degree (1988) and his PhD (1993) in Thermoenergy engineering from the Southeast University, Nanjing, China. Prior to University of Kentucky, he has been employed by Southeast University, Western Kentucky University, Environmental System Cooperation (ESC), and Babcock & Wilcox. Dr. Liu has directed major multi‐university and industry-academic collaborative projects. He has published more than 40 peer reviewed journal articles and has been granted three patents.
报告联系人:DNL12 叶茂 (9618)