报告时间:2013926日(星期四)上午 800 


  报告人:Masatake Haruta 

  Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University 

  1-1 Minami-osawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan 


  Masatake Haruta教授是国际著名的催化学家,英国皇家化学学会会士,欧洲人文和自然科学院外籍院士,曾获日本催化学会成就奖(2002 年),日本化学学会成就奖(2010 年),英国皇家化学学会Spiers Memorial Award (2011 ),汤森路透引文桂冠奖(2012 年)。现任日本首都大学教授、中科院外国专家特聘研究员、大连化物所金催化研究中心主任。 

  Haruta教授首次报道负载于金属氧化物上的2-5 nm金粒子具有出奇高的CO低温催化氧化活性。这些开创性工作发表在Chemistry LettersJournal of Catalysis上,引用数已近4000次。Haruta教授因此而被誉为纳米金催化的开拓者。近三十年来,Haruta教授在发展纳米金催化剂制备方法、确立界面催化新概念、开拓纳米金催化新反应等领域取得了重要研究成果。已在NatureScienceNature MaterialsAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 等期刊发表研究论文300多篇,总引用次数已超20000次。 


  During the course of investigation on the catalytic combustion of hydrogen, I found a volcano-like correlation between the catalytic activity expressed by temperature for 50% combustion and the bond energy of metal with oxygen for a variety of metal oxides. This correlation is well known by the names of Balandin and Sabatiers. At the 3rd International Symposium on Preparation of Catalysts held in Belgium, I presented that enhanced catalytic activity could be created in the mixed oxides of silver located at the left side of the volcano with Mn and Co located at the left side. A question from Mr. Clyde S. Brooks, an American technical adviser, was given to me “Have you tried gold?” Without this question, we could not have encountered the novel catalysis by gold.  

  The second stage was opened by Professor Sumio Iijima, who observed gold nanoparticles (NPs) in my catalyst samples with a high-resolution TEM. Then we focused our efforts on the deposition of gold NPs on the surfaces of various metal oxides and found that supported gold NPs are catalytically active and selective for many reactions.  

  In the third stage, many hypotheses have been proposed concerning the catalytic mechanism of gold, however, majority of practical gold catalysts work by perimeter interface mechanism. A study on surface science model catalysts demonstrated that the rates of CO oxidation and of H2-D2 exchange reaction were in proportion to the perimeter length around gold NPs. This means that gold NPs-support perimeter interfaces act as active sites and that gold should also be useful for hydrogenation reactions. 

  The fourth stage involves gold clusters which are smaller than 2 nm and less than 200 atoms. They will present us unique and surprisingly high catalytic activity and selectivity at specific number of atoms and three dimensional structures. 

  报告联系人:501组 王宁(9251


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