Demonstration of hydrogen membrane reactors for H2 production and CO2 capture



  报告人:Dr. Hui Li 

  The Institute for Micro Process Engineering (IMVT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany 



  2003.9-2008.8Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Industrial Catalysis, Master and PhD in succession 

  Research area: Effect of syngas components (CO, CO2 etc.) on hydrogen permeation through Pd membranes  

  Working experience 

  2008.10-2011.9Researcher at Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN 

  2011.10 till now, Scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany 

  Main research area and interest: 

  Demonstration of traditional membrane reactor and microstructured membrane reactor for hydrogen production and CO2 capture, gas permeation modeling of composite membranes, CFD simulation, commercialization of Pd membrane technology. 


  Due to the integration of H2 production and CO2 capture, hydrogen membrane reactors are considered as the most economical route in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) as well as Natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) with carbon capture. Especially, EU 7th Framework CACHET2 project was focused on the application of Pd membrane technology in NGCC-CCS. Dr. Li was involved in the design and construction of a pre-pilot scale Pd membrane reactor for demonstration purpose at Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), and successfully demonstrated the feasibility of Pd membrane reactor technology for carbon capture under simulated NGCC conditions. In addition, Dr. Li was dedicated to the demonstration of microstructured membrane reactor technology for carbon capture, and the investigation of gas separation process by coupling CFD simulation with gas permeation modeling at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. 

  报告联系人:DNL1901组 谢冬(9583 

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