报告人:Prof. T.S. Andy Hor (贺子森教授)
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)
报告时间:2014年5月28日 13:30
报告地点:能源基础楼 一楼会议室
Hybrid ligands are ligands with hetero-donating atoms that are synergistic in action and complementary in function. They can alter their coordination functions in response to the need of the molecular complex at different stages of its catalytic cycle. In this presentation, the speaker will describe some design principles of the complexes and their structural characteristics, and use of the latter to improve the catalytic efficacy of the complexes. He will also take this opportunity to introduce the institutional direction and key research opportunities of IMRE of A*STAR.
Prof. Andy Hor is the Executive Director of IMRE (A*STAR) and Professor of Chemistry of the National University of Singapore. He is Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), President of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC), and President of the Federation of the Asian Chemical Societies (FACS), and Concurrent Professor of Fudan University (China). He is the founding chair of the Singapore National Academy of Science & A*STAR Young Scientist Award, and President of Jury of L’Oréal for Women in Science (Singapore) in 2012 & 2013. He chairs the Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances and Toxic Wastes (National Environment Agency) and the National ISO/TC 229 Working Committee (Nanotechnology). His research interests are heterometallic materials, organometallic catalysis and supramolecular self-assembly, and has published ~330 ISI paper with ~500 annual citations in recent years. He has delivered numerous plenary, keynote and invited lectures in various international, regional and local meetings. He chaired the 15th Asian Chemical Congress (ACC-15) in 2013 and the coming 41st International Coordination Chemistry Conference (ICCC-41) in July 2014. He is on the international/advisory board of the Chemistry – an Asian Journal (VCH-Wiley), Dalton Transactions (RSC), Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (RSC) and Inorganica Chimica Acta (Elsevier), and Associate Editor of the Australian Journal of Chemistry (CSIRO) and Editor of the Journal of Molecular & Engineering Materials (WS).
报告联系人:科技处 卢歆怡(9175)