报告人:Dr. Svetlana Mintova
Laboratory for Catalysis & Spectrochemistry, ENSICAEN, Caen, France
Svetlana Mintova is currently director of research 1st class at CNRS, Laboratory of Catalysis and Spectroscopy, School of Engineering and University of Caen, in Normandy, France.
She received her PhD in physical chemistry at the Technological University of Sofia, Bulgaria in 1992, and then she was appointed as Research Fellow in the Bulgarian Academy of Science. She did her Post Doc in Lule? University of Technology, Sweden (1996-1997), and then she spent 2 years as Visiting Scholar in Purdue University, USA (1997 - 1999). From 1999 to 2005 she was appointed as C2 (docent) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Munich (LMU), Germany.
Her scientific interests include preparation of porous materials, nanosized zeolites, clusters, films, coatings, composites and related applications including host-guest chemistry, sensors, membranes, optical devices, etc.
Receiver of the Cronstedt award by the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (2014).
The presentation will include recent developments in the field of synthesis of nanosized zeolites and zeo-type materials. The strategies available for their preparation (organic-template assisted, organic-template free, and seed approach) will be discussed. Major breakthroughs achieved by the so-called zeolite crystal engineering encompass items such as mastering and using the physicochemical properties of the precursor synthesis gel/suspension, optimizing the use of silicon and aluminium precursor sources, the rational use of templates will be revealed.
A special attention will be paid to zeolite formation in conventional organic-template-free zeolite yielding systems [1,2]. A “soft” chemistry approach that allows to control zeolite nucleation and to produce zeolite under environmentally benign conditions will be presented. An on-going broad and deep fundamental understanding of the crystallization process, explaining the influence of all variables of this complex set of reactions, underpins an ever more rational design of nanosized zeolites with exceptional properties.
Finally, the advantages and limitations of the synthesis methods will be addressed with a particular attention to their industrial production and utilization in existing and advanced applications. The newest developments in the preparation of nanosized zeolites, supported zeolite films/layers, and self-assembled structures for gas/liquid separation, organic/inorganic host/guests chemistry, optical and medical applications will be revealed [3,4].
1. H. Awala, J.-P. Gilson, R. Retoux, P. Boullay, J.-M. Goupil, V. Valtchev, S. Mintova, Nature Materials (2015)14, 447.
2. E.-P. Ng, D. Chateigner, T. Bein, V. Valtchev, S. Mintova Science (2012) 335, 70.
3. S. Mintova, J.-P. Gilson, V. Valtchev Nanoscale (2013) 5, 6693.
4. S. Mintova, M. Jaber, V. Valtchev, Chemical Society Reviews, RSC (2015) DOI: 10.1039/C5CS00210A