报告地点:生物楼学术报告厅 报告人: Professor Shoufeng Yang,
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton UK
Additive Manufacturing, or 3D printing, are designations for a family of recently emerged techniques in which complex shapes can be directly delivered on a platform by downloading a computer design file such as a CAD file. The components are assembled point by point, line by line or layer by layer without a mould and without machining. Current AM technologies still need to be improved in terms of part quality and part performance in comparison to traditional manufacturing. Part quality is being dealt with by greater machine control and by applying cutting edge high precision technologies while part performance can be boosted using multiple material systems. However, currently the printable material in 3D printing is very limited. Compared to tens of thousands of materials which are being used in our daily life, the 3D printable materials are less than 100. The printable materials currently includes 1) a few polymers, for example, Polylactic acid (PLA), Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), Polyamides (Nylon), Polyproylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS), Wax, Acrylate and Silicon Rubber, 2) a few metal materials, for example stainless steel, Aluminum, Ti6Al4V, CoCr alloy, Inconel etc. 3) and a few biomaterials and ceramics. The shortage of 3D printable materials will dramatically hinder the future development of this technology. Furthermore, most current commercially available AM systems have been designed to produce parts using single material. Very little attempted have been made to 3D printing smart materials, for example using materials for catalyst and/or integration with reaction vessels. In this talk I would like to review the state of the art of multiple materials additive manufacturing and discuss the feasibility application in chemical eningeering.
Shoufeng Yang is an Associate Professor at University of Southampton, leading the Additive Manufacturing research activities. His main research interests is the next generation of additive manufacturing, in which both the materials composition and the shape of objects are computer controlled throughout three dimensional space. He has published more than 100 papers and is a top cited researcher in Additive Manufacturing/Rapid Prototyping/3D Printing in Google Scholar. He has pioneered the development and application of a novel dry powder dispensing technology for multiple materials additive manufacturing (MMAM). Wide range of materials can be dispensed including metal, polymer and ceramic. This project was selected for prestigious Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition (royalsociety.org/From-music-to-sand-painting/). His current research topics include multiple materials additive manufacturing, artificial neural network (ANN), metamaterials, inkjet printing and dry powder printing, combinatorial materials research and tissue engineering scaffold fabrication. He has obtained over £3M as PI and CoI from a variety of sources including EPSRC, dstl, TSB, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, and £300k+ from industrial partners. He is leading a ~£1M subprogram “3D printing of multiple materials for structronics” under EPSRC Capital Grant. He is co-founder, director and chief scientist of spin off company VaryDose Ltd and has filed 4 international patents. He is also a visiting associate professor in the NTU Additive Manufacturing Centre in Nanyang Technological University Singapore, which recently received s$150m funding from the Singapore government.
B.Eng., Tsinghua University 1994
Ph.D., Tsinghua University 1999
Postdoc, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 1999-2000
Postdoc, Queen Mary University of London, 2000-2003
EPSRC Platform Research Fellow, Queen Mary University of London, 2003-2005
RCUK Academic Fellow, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London, 2005-2010
Associate Professor, University of Southampton, 2010-now