报告时间:2015年7月24日星期五 9:00-10:30
报告人:Prof. Laurent Bonneviot,
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, University of Lyon, France
Laurent Bonneviot obtained his PdD in 1983 at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris (France) under the supervision of Prs. Michel Che and Danièle Olivier (heterogeneous catalyst design). He stayed at Yale for two years in 1983-1985 where he was granted a NSF-CNRS postdoctoral fellowship at the laboratory of Pr. Gary Lee Haller (catalytic reactivity) of the Chemical Engineering department where he collaborated also with Prs Kurt Zilm (solid state NMR) and Robert Crabtree (coordination chemistry) of the Chemistry Department. In 1985-1989 he got a permanent position as Chargé de Recherche at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) and worked in Pr. Michel Che’s Laboratory. He joined Laval University in the Province of Québec in Canada where he was successively assistant (1989), associate (1992) and Full Professor (1998). Since 2000, he is professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) where he started a group devoted to the synthesis of multifunctional porous material where molecular surface engineering is at stake mainly for catalytic applications. From 2005 he developed a strong scientific collaboration on catalysts design with professor He Mingyuan at East China Normal University where he became Zijang Professor in 2009 and High End Foreign Expert since 2011.
Advanced materials for molecular sensing, selective adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis require a fine control at the surface-fluid interface. To reach this objective several aspects of the material have to be considered: i) the molecular structure of the active sites, ii) their vicinity at the manometer scale of length, iii) their distribution in the solid and iv) the confinement controlled by the size and shape of the porosity. The approaches developed to synthesis such materials are reviewed here considering mainly mesoporous templated silicas such as MCM-41or SBA-15 and related materials. In addition, a new nomenclature (ITSE) is proposed to classify hybrid materials depending on the location of the function in the porous solid support. Special attention is devoted to the different strategies described in the literature to control the grafting of organic functions and metal complexes. The challenge is to obtain isolated and well-defined unique sites in a confined nanometric space with an appropriate environment. Some application applications will be presented.
报告联系人:502组 石瑛(9128)