Issues and Technical Challenges in Biodiesel Production



  报告人:Professor Serge Kaliaguine 

  Full professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Laval University in Québec, Canada


  Professor Serge Kaliaguine is a full professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Laval University in Québec , Canada. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toulouse (France) in 1967. His main research interests are in catalyst development and catalytic processes. He also contributed to several other materials research fields including membranes, fuel cells and high temperature oxygen and CO2 carriers. 

  He is the author of 450 publications in refereed journals and 30 patents. He received several prizes and honours including the Urgel Archambault medal (ACFAS), the Canadian Catalysis Award (CIC), the Canadian Catalysis Lectureship Award (FCC) and the Century of Achievments Award (CSChE). He was a Director of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, a President of the Catalysis Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada, a President of the International Mesostructured Material Association. 


  In this presentation, Professor Serge Kaliaguine will discuss the current state of development of the biodiesel industry worldwide as well as the prospects for future developments. Professor Serge Kaliaguine will report and compare the various technologies for both productions of biodiesel and triglyceride feedstocks. He will then present the work from his laboratory dealing with the technology he considers the most appropriate for biodiesel synthesis, namely transesterification under ultrasounds. 


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