Application of in situ MAS NMR to the unravel of reaction mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis



 报告人:Prof. Irina I. Ivanova, Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


  The mechanisms of catalytic transformations over solid catalysts as well as the mechanisms of their synthesis were always a source of controversy in heterogeneous catalysis and there are still a lot of discrepancies between different mechanistic proposals. To get deeper insight the mechanisms, application of the in situ techniques, which allow direct observation of the reactant and the catalyst under “working” conditions is highly desirable. Among such techniques, in situ NMR is considered to be one of the most informative. The aim of this lecture is to review the advances in the in situ MAS NMR and to analyze the impact of this technique to the unravel of the mechanisms of zeolite catalyzed reactions and synthesis of zeolite like solids.

  The first part of the lecture will contain brief information on different experimental approaches used for in situ MAS NMR studies under batch and flow conditions of catalytic transformations as well as under the conditions of hydrothermal synthesis of solid materials. In the second part, the capabilities of the techniques and its main application areas will be briefly reviewed. The emphasis will be made on the reactions, for which in situ MAS NMR was of particular help for the understanding of reaction mechanisms. In particular, the impact of the in situ MAS NMR to the unravel of the mechanisms of olefins, alcohols and alkanes transformations over zeolite catalysts will be analyzed. Finally, in the last part the recent advances in the investigation of hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites will be discussed.


  Irina I. Ivanova has graduated from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University in 1992. She received her PhD. degree in kinetics and catalysis under supervision of Profs. K.V.Topchieva and B.V. Romanovsky in 1985.

  From 1990 to 1995 she was a visiting scientist in the laboratories of Prof. E. Derouane at Namur University (Belgium), Prof. A. Corma at ITQ (Spain) and Dr. F. Fajula at ENSCM (France).

  In 1996, she returned to Moscow State University. She received a degree of Dr. Sci. in 1997, in 2000 she became a Head of the laboratory of kinetics and catalysis at Moscow State University and in 2009 she created a new laboratory in the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis.

  Professor Ivanova has more than 200 publications and 20 patents.

  Her present research interests are in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and application of in situ spectroscopic techniques to the elucidation of reaction mechanisms.

报告联系人:DNL1208 贺莎莎 (89870)


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