Precision Control of Morphology of Mesoporous Silica

  报告时间: 201617, 下午2:00 


  报告人: (台湾大学化学系) 

  报告摘要:Applications of Mesoporous silica depends on its morphology. However, laboratory synthetic control of the morphology of silica is often done in random discoveries without a good understanding of the rich physical chemistry involved in their self-assembly. We are particularly motivated by the rich morphologies in biological silica such as the shells of diatom. A step towards precision control of the morphologies is through scattering studies, small angle X-ray and neutron, of the assembly processes of the materials at mesoscale (e.g. 1 to 100 nm). We will discuss three cases, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, hollow silica nanospheres, and mesoporous silica thin film with perpendicular nanochannels. The mesophases involved are micelles, microemulsion and liquid crystalline phases. The interplay of silica condensation induced phase changes will be discussed. Applications, mostly in biomedicine, of the resulting silica nanostructures will also be presented.      

  报告人简介:牟中原,台湾大学化学系教授。长期从事多相纳米催化剂研究,液体水结构,介孔分子筛的设计合成及应用,纳米材料在生物医学的应用等研究。目前在国际知名期刊包括Science, J. Am. Chem. Soc.ACS Nano等发表SCI期刊论文350篇,目前已被引用约13,500余次,h-index67;另有,专著5本,专利8件。 

报告联系人: 孙汇 89161

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