报告人:Renato Zenobi 教授(苏黎世联邦理工学院)
Research Interests
Analytical chemistry using laser-based mass spectrometric and scanning probe microscopy methods, emphasizing methods development, novel applications, and fundamental/mechanistic aspects. Study of the architecture of large noncovalent complexes by MALDI MS with specialized high-mass detection; MS-based KD determination for protein – ligand systems; conformation of bio-macromolecules in the gas phase; single cell metabolomics; MALDI and ESI mechanisms. Nanoscale chemical analysis using scanning near-field optical methods.
July 1990 Ph.D., Stanford University. Thesis: "Two-Step Laser Mass Spectrometry"
1986 -1990 Graduate studies in Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Stanford University.
Research Advisor: Prof. Richard N. Zare
Professional and Board Memberships
2010 - present Associate Editor, Analytical Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
2009 - present Member, Israel Chemical Society
2012 - present Editorial Board, масc cпектрометрия (Moscow, Russia)
2008 - 2014 Editorial Advisory board, The Analyst (Royal Society of Chemistry)
联系人: 侯可勇 (9510)