报 告 人:William A. Goddard, III
Advances in theory and methods of quantum mechanics and in supercomputers are making it practical to consider first principles (de novo) predictions of the mechanisms of complex catalytic reactions.
We will highlight some recent advances in such methodologies including:
? Quantum mechanics methods for accurate nonempirical intermolecular interactions (XYGJ-OS)
? New methods of continuum solvation for electrochemical reactions (CANDLE)
? Grand canonical QM calculations of electrochemical catalysis at constant potential (instead of constant numbers of electrons)
? QM metadynamics calculations of free energies of electrocatalysis at operational temperature and potential
which we will illustrate with recent applications to catalytic systems selected from:
? The reaction mechanism for the electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction on Pt(111) and Pt alloys
? Critical potentials for CO2 reduction on (100) and (111) Cu surfaces to form hydrocarbon fuels at various pH (0 to 14)
? The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on MoS2 electrocatalysts
? The reaction mechanism for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on IrO2 electrocatalysts
? The reaction mechanism for the selective catalysis of butane to maleic anhydride on vanadium pyrophosphate heterogeneous cataktsts
? The reaction mechanism for the selective oxidation of propane to acrylonitrile on Mo/V/Nb/TeOx heterogeneous catalysts
WILLIAM A. GODDARD教授是国际著名的理论化学家,美国科学院院士,美国国际量子分子科学院院士,美国物理学会会士,英国皇家化学学会会士。曾获得美国化学会Computers in Chemistry奖,美国化学会Theoretical Chemistry奖,费因曼Nanotechnology Theory奖, NASA空间化学Space Shuttle Sensor奖,NASA空间化学Polymer Films奖等。现任美国加州理工学院化学、材料科学以及应用物理教授,材料与过程模拟中心主任,多年度被评为ISI高被引科学家。
Goddard教授发展了一系列著名的理论化学方法,如广义价键理论(Generalized Valence Bond, GVB), UFF和Dreiding分子力场, 反应分子力场(Reactive Force Field, ReaxFF), 电子分子力场 (Electron Dynamics Force Field, eFF), XYGJ-OS密度泛函理论等,并将这些方法广泛应用于材料、化学、物理、生物等领域的模拟研究中,开发了相对应的知名商业化软件如Materials Studio和Schrodinger。近年来,Goddard教授在化学领域主要研究能源相关的化学反应如燃料电池电催化剂、二氧化碳还原、烯烃转化,在材料领域主要研究半导体刻蚀、高能材料、拓扑绝缘体、超导体,在生物领域主要研究GPCR蛋白的结构预测。值得一提的是,Goddard教授的研究与国际大型企业如GE、GM、HONDA等紧密合作,解决其工业应用中遇到的基础理论问题。在Nature, Science,Chemical Reviews等顶级杂志中发表了论文千余篇,他引5万余次,H-index 117。在化学领域,尤其是理论与计算化学领域产生了极其重要的影响。
报告联系人:杨瑞霞 1109组 (9910)