第二十二期张大煜讲座《Strategies for Biofeedstock Conversions via Tandem Catalysis》



报告人:Prof.Tobin J. Marks 美国西北大学


  This lecture focuses on thermodynamics/mechanism-based strategies for converting abundant biofeedstocks into useful fuels and chemicals. New approaches to the hydrogenolysis of the ubiquitous C-O bonds include selective hydrogenolysis of cyclic and linear etheric C-O bonds by tandem catalytic systems consisting of recyclable metal triflates and supported hydrogenation catalysts,in either ionic liquid solvents or in the neat substrates. Kinetic and DFT computational studies show that the turnover-limiting step in these reactions is the retro-hydroalkoxylation, followed by rapid alkenol hydrogenation. The metal triflate catalytic activity scales approximately with the DFT-computed charge density on the metal ion. With the most active catalysts, ethereal substrates are rapidly converted, via the alkenol, to the corresponding saturated hydrocarbons. In similar tandem processes, esters and triglycerides are also rapidly and selectively converted, ultimately, to C3 hydrocarbons and biodiesel esters. The kinetics and mechanism of these ester hydrogenolysis processes,as deduced by combined experimental results and DFT computation, are compared and contrasted with those of the corresponding ethers. 


  Tobin J. Marks教授是美国西北大学Vladimir N. Ipatieff催化化学教授、材料科学与工程系教授、应用物理学教授,也是德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校和韩国大学杰出名誉教授。1966年于美国马里兰大学获得了化学学士学位,1971年于麻省理工学院获得无机化学博士学位。Marks教授是美国科学院院士、美国工程院院士以及美国人文与科学院院士,也是德国国家科学院院士、印度科学院荣誉院士以及英国皇家化学会会员。他获得美国化学会、德国化学会、英国皇家化学会等奖励30余次,并荣获美国国家科学奖章和美国科学院奖。Marks教授是化学领域国际著名科学家,在金属有机化学、高分子化学、化学催化、光谱学、非线性光学和有机电子学等领域都有杰出的贡献。研究兴趣包括过渡金属和f-元素金属有机化学;催化聚合化学;振动光谱;金属蛋白活性位点合成;抗癌金属配合物;固态化学和低维分子金属;非线性光学材料;高分子化学;硼氢化钠配位化学;大环配位化学;分子电子光学;金属有机化学气相沉积;印刷柔性电子产品;太阳能以及透明导体等。迄今,Marks教授已在国际著名期刊上发表论文1200余篇,所发表论文被引用72,000余次。 

  报告联系人:李丹 DNL16 9005 

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