
报告时间:2016713日(星期 15:00


报告人Prof. laurence.pirault

Faculty of Sciences, University of Poitiers


  Nowadays, heterogeneous catalysis represents 80% of industrial processes. To improve activity, selectivity and stability of metallic supported catalysts, more and more complex systems are developed to obtain well-defined and efficient materials. 

  The first axis is to enhance the metallic phase. Thus, the nanomorphology of metallic particles should be controlled, the composition in case of plurimetallic systems should be optimized and the localisation of the metallic additives should be carefully chosen.  

  Frequently, the support used can participate to the reaction through a bifunctional mechanism. To adjust its acidic-basic or redox properties, specific preparation must be targeted. This is the second axis of improvement.  

  These systems are designed for industrial applications that required usually high pressure or temperature. To increase mechanical and thermal resistance as well as reduce pressure loss, ceramics (foams or monoliths) are used. But new problems appear that consist in a third way of enhancement: how to introduce the active phase? how to certify the adhesion to ceramic? how to improve the stability? Several examples of optimization routes will be presented as colloidal preparation, controlled surface reactions, sol-gel and washcoating processes. Impact on catalytic performances will be pointed out.     

    联系人: DNL0901  王胜 9332

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