优秀校友系列报告第58讲——Effect of Ionic Radius of Rare Earth on USY Zeolite in Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Fundamentals and Commercial Application



  报告人:舒玉瑛(Yuying Shu),Principal Engineer of W. R. Grace


  Dr. Yuying Shu is a Principal Engineer at W. R. Grace, located at Columbia in Maryland of USA. Before joining Grace, she had been a Visiting Scientist at Chemical Engineering Department of University of Delaware (2004-2005), a Research Associate at Chemical Engineering Department of Virginia Tech (2002-2004), a COE (Center of Excellence) Research Fellow and a NEDO Post-doctoral Researcher at Catalysis Research Center of Hokkaido University Japan (2000-2002).  She got her Ph.D. in 2000 at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Her major research interest is the development of new catalysts and new chemical reactions.  

  Dr. Shu has worked in developing FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) catalysts and additives for many years and has become an expert in this field.  She has filed 24 patents and published 60 peer-reviewed journal articles. She also received many awards including most recent one “Top Innovator of The Year for 2010 in Maryland”.  She has made many significant contributions to Grace Catalysts Technologies and successfully led the efforts to the discovery of 6 commercial catalysts.   


  The ultrastable Y zeolite (USY) in fluid cracking catalyst is commonly stabilized by ion-exchange with rare earth (RE) cations.  The RE-exchange provides hydrothermal stability to the zeolite by improving surface area retention, as well as inhibiting dealumination, resulting in greater preservation of acid sites.  Though La and Ce are commonly used in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts, we have observed that the stability of REUSY catalysts improves as the ionic radius of the RE cation decreases. In this paper, we compare the activity and selectivity of REUSY catalysts, stabilized with light (La) and heavy (Ho, Er, and Yb) rare earth cations, the latter having a smaller ionic radius, due to the well-known phenomenon of lanthanide contraction. The experimental data show that a significant improvement in catalytic activity is achieved when RE elements having a smaller ionic radius are used to make the REUSY catalyst. Yttrium is even more effective than the heavier lanthanides in stabilizing Y-zeolite, leading to higher cracking activity and gasoline selectivity under a variety of deactivation conditions. These benefits of yttrium exchange does not only result from a larger resistance to dealumination, but also to an increase of the catalyst intrinsic cracking activity, which may be explained by changes in the adsorption of hydrocarbons at the active sites. Examples of commercial applications of yttrium-based FCC catalysts are given.   

  联系人:吕洪涛  联系电话:84379011  

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