大连洁净能源论坛(第三讲):China and International Energy Strategies and new Opportunities



报告人:Eurlng. Henry K. H. Wang



    The lecture will be based on Henry Wang's new book "Energy Markets in Emerging Economies: Strategies for Growth".  

    It will first cover the following key points: 

    1. International and China energy markets overviews 

    2. China new Five Year Plans and new energy strategies 

    3. China Silk Road initiative and implications on energy strategies 

    4. China oil energy markets growth strategies 

    5. China gas and shale gas markets growth strategies 

    6. China new energy markets developments and opportunities 

    7. New strategic innovation and research strategies and opportunities 

    8. International co-operations and expansions strategies and opportunities


    EurIng. Henry K. H. Wang is an international adviser, author & speaker with extensive high level business experience globally. He is President of Gate International Ltd, a Hong Kong based boutique advisory and investment firm. He has been invited to advise leading Universities, International Agencies and companies globally on energy, business, management, governance and climate change.

    He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts FRSA and Fellow of Institute of Chemical Engineering FIChemE. He is a Vice Chairman of OECD BIAC International Energy & Environment Committee and member of China Carbon Forum Advisory Board. He is former Vice Presidents of the EU Chambers of Commerce of China and the British Chamber of Commerce of China. He is a former director at Shell and SABIC. He has also held various directorships and board roles in companies and Joint Ventures globally.

    He has published books, technical and management papers globally. His first book "Successful Business Dealings & Management with China Oil, Gas & Chemical Giants"was published in 2013 & recommended by leading institutes. His second book on "Energy Markets in Emerging Economies: Strategies for Growth" was published in 2016 and he was invited to present this to corporate leaders in Beijing. His negotiation management paper was selected as one of Top Five UK Management Papers of the Year 2015 and he has been commissioned by an international publisher to write his third new book on business negotiations. He also holds international patents on new process inventions. 

    He has been invited to speak at key international conferences and interviewed by international media. Leading universities & business schools globally have also invited him to speak and lecture. He is a graduate of Imperial College London and University College London. He has also undertaken advanced management courses at Wharton and Tsinghua.

    联系人:科技处 卢歆怡(9201)

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