报告人:Dr. Xiaopeng Li
Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
Due to the highly directional and predictable feature of the metal coordination, metal-mediated self-assembly acts as a powerful tool to mimic nature's activities and to construct various 2D and 3D metallo-supramolecules. Up to date, metallo-supramolecules have matured in the context of a large variety of macrocycles and polyhedrons assembled by ditopic ligands. However, unpredicted assemblies often appear because organic ligands are much more flexible than expected and metal centers can allow considerable deviation in their coordination geometry. Instead of solely relying on the angle of ligand and geometry of coordination in the conventional design, we used multitopic ligands to increase the density of coordination sites (DOCS) of assemblies, and thus to assemble a series of giant 2D and 3D supramolecules with increasing structural complexity and stability. Furthermore, if the first level assembly is viewed as the spontaneous formation of metal-ligand bonds to generate discrete cores, hierarchical self-assembly driven by multiple intermolecular interactions was able to deliver complex materials with unique properties by taking advantage of their precisely controlled shapes and sizes. All together, through further understanding of the design and self-assembly of supramolecular structures, our research is poised to advance the design, research and development of new synthetic materials with molecular level precision and high physical performance.
李霄鹏,美国University of South Florida化学系Assistant Professor。2004年获郑州大学化学专业学士学位,2008年获美国Cleveland State University化学博士学位,2009-2012年在美国University of Akron从事博士后研究。2012-2016年在Texas State University化学系开展独立工作。2016年8月将实验室搬迁至University of South Florida。实验室主页:http://chemistry.usf.edu/faculty/li/。
研究工作集中于超分子化学,超分子聚合物以及功能材料. 已在Nature Chemistry、PNAS、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nano Lett.等国际学术刊物上发表论文70余篇。研究工作多次被Science、ACS Chemical & Engineering News(C&EN)、National Science Foundation(NSF)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、JACS Select collection、 Macromolecules、Süddeutsche Zeitung等刊物和网站作为Hot Paper、Cover、Perspective以及Highlight。
报告联系人:1102组 周传耀(9701)