第二十三期张大煜讲座《Using Nanopores to Interrogate DNA: Examining Base Modifications and Unfolding Dynamics in Single Molecules》



报告人:Prof. Cynthia J. Burrows

Department of Chemistry, The University of Utah


  Oxidative stress in the cell results in modifications to DNA and RNA bases and downstream events including effects on transcription and replication as well as signaling for repair. Ultimately, unrepaired damage in DNA leads to mutagenesis that is a contributing factor to cancer and other diseases. Our studies focus on base modifications arising from guanine(G) oxidation, including how and where they form in the genome. To investigate this, we have developed a single-molecule nanopore approach that is complementary to other biophysical techniques for interrogating nucleic acid structure. Specifically, the electrophoretic capture of DNA strands, either Watson-Crick duplexes or folded G-quadruplexes, inside a protein nanopore (alpha-hemolysin) provides information about the presence of oxidized bases as well as the dynamics of unfolding. We have applied this technique to examine guanine oxidation and folding dynamics of G-quadruplexes and the i-motif.


    Cynthia J. Burrows教授是国际著名生物化学家,美国国家科学院院士,美国艺术与科学院院士,美国化学会会士,美国科学促进会会士。现任美国犹他大学化学系特聘教授,曾荣获美国国家科学基金会创新奖、美国化学会Cope Scholar奖。美国化学研究评论(Accounts of Chemical Research)杂志主编,美国有机化学(Journal of Organic Chemistry)期刊高级编辑。

    Cynthia J. Burrows教授主要从事DNARNA结构改变方面的研究,在DNARNA分子修饰的化学机制,尤其是其氧化应激机制的研究方面有杰出的成就,发表了多篇具有代表性的学术论文及专著。

    报告联系人:1101 丁俊霞(9930)


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