Strategies for effective utilization of biomass using thermo-catalytic platform: opportunities and challenges



报告人:Thallada Bhaskar

CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum


  Biomass is a renewable and sustainable source of energy. There are several methods of lignocellulosic biomass conversion among which a thermo-chemical method of conversion are gaining limelight in the past few decades and has potential for integration with biochemical processes. Among the various thermo-chemical methods of conversion, pyrolysis seems to have the highest potential for commercialisation.  It is a flexible process as the operating parameters can be tuned for the desired combination of bio-oil, bio-char and non-condensable gases. There are several types of pyrolysis depending on the heating rate, environment used, reactor, residence time etc. Fast and slow pyrolysis bio-oil can be used as a substitute for heating oil and also be upgraded to fuels. Biomass being a natural polymer, pyrolysis can be used to selectively cleave the bonds to produce high value chemicals which are now produced from crude oil after several steps of functionalisation.  The integrated hydropyrolysis and hydroconversion of lignocellulosic biomass can provide directly usable transportation fuels/ petrochemical feedstocks in a self-sustainable manner. The pyrolysis of biomass produces a combination of biooil, gases, and biochar, each of which has potential economic value. Hydrothermal liquefaction is the best suited process for the utilisation of wet biomass as it does not require the energy intense drying step. Carbonization has been practised for a very long time for the production of biochar. In addition, challenges in the processes and catalysis and opportunities for the thermochemical conversion and possibility for integration of biochemical processes for sustainable and effective utilization of natural polymeric materials.  


  Dr Thallada Bhaskar, FBRS, FRSC, Principal Scientist, Head, Thermo-catalytic Processes Area & Associate Professor, Academy of Scientific and Industrial Research (AcSIR) CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. Ph.D. (Heterogeneous Catalysis) from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad SCI Journal publications 120; Total citations ca. 2875; h-index -31; Book chapters-18; Patents-13 International and National Symposia/Conf presentations-300 Editorial Board Member - 5 International Journals (Bioresource Technology, Journal of Energy Institute, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management etc.

  Editor - 2 Books (published) 1. Advances in Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass & 2. Biomass and Biofuels: Advanced Biorefineries for Sustainable Production and Distribution; 2 Books on Bioenergy are In Press. 

  Key Awards/Honours - Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Presidents International Fellowship Initiative (2016); Fellow,  Royal Society of Chemistry (2016); Scientist of the Year 2016 award from National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), India; Fellow, Biotech Research Society of India (2012); CSIR- Raman Research Fellow (2013); JSPS Visiting Scientist (2009), AIST Distinguished Researcher (2013), Most Progressive Researcher Award from FSRJ, Japan (2008), Japan Science and Technology (2000) 

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