报告人:万翠红 教授
Knowledge of mutilprotein complexes is essential for understanding of biological processes, but their phylogenetic distribution across species, especially large-scale network mapping, is a challenge. Previous cross-species interactome comparisons, based on experimental data obtained from different sources and methods, typically show limited overlap. We examined comprehensive and accurate map of protein complexes common to metazoan by using a standardized approach, biochemical fractionation followed by quantitative mass spectrometry, to multiple species in parallel. In addition to human, 8 species were selected based on broad relevance as model organisms and breadth spanning a billion years of evolutionary divergence. We identified and quantified 13,386 protein orthologs across 6,387 fractions obtained from 69 different experiments, and final generate an interaction network consists of 16,655 high-confidenceco-complex interactions in human. Half of the predicted protein-protein interactions were supported by direct biochemical evidence in 3 or more input species, and half interactions have never been reported in any of five input species or yeast. Our study reveals the core physical underpinnings of the basic macromolecular machinery broadly relevant to metazoan physiology, development and evolution. The reconstructed interactome will provide rich functional insights into the fundamental molecular organization and evolutionary plasticity of animal cells.
报告联系人:1810组 张丽华(9720)