系列报告一:Unusual electrochemical power sources(09:00-10:00)
The Arrhenius plot of the specific conductivity shows for typical electrolyte related squares:
1.Aqueous systems; 2.Organic/polymer systems; 3.Molten carbonate systems; 4.Solid state systems.
For all these different electrolyte systems new battery systems will be discussed, e.g.
1.Historically different DANIEL cells and the Aqueous HybridIon (AHI?) Battery; 2.All solid state polymer batteries with metallic Li-electrodes; 3.Liquid metal systems; 4.Fe-air rechargeable batteries, renewable SOFCs.
Furthermore it will be reported about battery systems with double use:
1.Supercaps integrated in car body; 2.Self charging Li-ion cells.
系列报告二:Is there a real electric vehicle market ?(10:10-11:30)
Batteries are mainly used in consumer equipment's, in cars (starting) and industrial applications (forklift, emergency lighting etc).
New applications are battery energy storage systems and electric vehicles. However, the market introduction particularly of electric vehicles is slower as expected especially caused by high costs of their batteries and limited driving range caused by relatively low specific energy of batteries.
In average today EVs have a specific energy of about 100 Wh kg-1. The target for 2020 is in average 250 Wh kg-1, which is related for a compact car to about 500km drive.
The lecture will show ways how to reduce the cost and how to increase the vehicle range mainly via the continuous evolution of the state-of-art technology and the development of superior materials.
系列报告三:Next generation automotive batteries-challenges in research and application(14:00-15:00)
There are different demands for an automotive battery. These demands are to optimize caused by partially opposite effects. A very important parameter are the specific costs ($/kWh). For a broad market introduction the costs must be reached at least 150 $/kWh on battery level. A further important parameter which determines the range is the specific energy (Wh/kg) and also for passenger cars the energy density (Wh/L).
An overview will be given about the status and future materials of Li-ion batteries and post conventional Li-ion systems with the main focus on all solid state batteries. Advantages and drawbacks of polymer and inorganic solid electrolyte cells will be discussed also in connection to the state of the art electrode materials. The market introduction possibility of solid state batteries will be analyzed.
Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Garche
PhD in Theoretical Electrochemistry,1970, TU Dresden; Habilitation in Applied Electrochemistry, 1980, TU Dresden
Professsor Electrochemistry, Ulm University, Germany; Visiting professor at Shandong Univerity; Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Sapienza University Roma (Italy)
1970-1990 Senior researcher, university lecturer at TU Dresden (http://tu-dresden.de)
1991-2004 Head of the Electrochemical Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Division of the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW- http://www.zsw-bw.de) in Ulm, 2004.
2004-now CEO of FCBAT Ulm (Fuel Cell and Battery Consulting – http://www.fcbat.eu)
308 papers, 10 patents, 3 books; Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia Electrochemical Power Sources, ELSEVIER, 5 volumes, 2009
*Editorial board member
Journal of Power Sources; Fuel Cells-From Fundamentals to Systems; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Electrochemical Power Sources
α-β PbO2 Society Price (1998); Award of the German Gas Industry (2000); European Fuel Cell-Award "Schoenbein Medal"(2003); Fuel Cell Excellence Award(2006)
*R&D interests
Lead-Acid, Li-Ion, Redox-Flow Batteries; PEMFC and DMFCs; Supercaps; Photoelectrochemistry
报告联系人:DNL0305 姜鲁华(9603)