Metal-Oxygen Intermediates in Dioxygen Activation Chemistry



报告人Prof.Wonwoo Nam

Ewha Womans University


  Dioxygen is essential in life processes, and enzymes activate dioxygen to carry out a variety of biological reactions. One primary goal in biomimetic research is to elucidate structures of reactive intermediates and mechanistic details of dioxygen activation and oxygenation reactions occurring at the active sites of enzymes, by utilizing synthetic metal-oxygen complexes. A growing class of metal-oxygen complexes, such as metal–superoxo, –peroxo, –hydroperoxo, and –oxo species, have been isolated, characterized spectroscopically, and investigated in various oxygenation reactions. During the past decade, we have been studying the chemical and physical properties of mononuclear non-heme iron-oxygen intermediates in oxygenation reactions, such as non-heme iron(IV)-oxo, iron(III)-hydroperoxo, and iron(III)-superoxo complexes. In this presentation, I will present our recent results on the synthesis and structural and spectroscopic characterization of mononuclear non-heme metal-oxygen intermediates as well as their reactivities in electrophilic and nucleophilic oxidation reactions.


Prof. Wonwoo Nam   

    1985 BSc California State University  Los Angeles

    1990 PhD University of California     Los Angeles

    1990-1991 Postdoctoral Fellow         UCLA

    1991-1994 Assistant Professor         Hong Ik University  

    1994-2000 Associate Professor         Ewha Womans University

    2000-2004 Professor                   Ewha Womans University

    2005~     Distinguished Professor     Ewha Womans University

  Activities as Editor or Editorial Board Member

    Associate Editor of Chemical Science (RSC, the new multidisciplinary flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry), (awarded 2011) 

  Editorial Advisory Board of Accounts of Chemical Research (ACS), (awarded 2006)

  Editorial Advisory Board of Chemical Communications (RSC), (awarded 2012)

  Editorial Advisory Board of Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (RSC), (awarded 2013)

  Editorial Advisory Board of Progress in Inorganic Chemistry (John-Wiley & Sons, Inc.), (awarded 2012)


    报告联系人:DNL1209  高爽(9248 

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