Addressing Research: update on China trends, and new innovations in STM Publishing



Anne Kitson

Executive Vice President, Physical Sciences, Elsevier


    Anne Kitson将与大家分享中国科研水平的最新发展趋势,全球学术出版的创新及进展,探讨如何提升自身科研成果的影响力,有哪些资源和工具可以为大家服务等内容。


  Anne joined Elsevier in 1997 and is currently based in our Oxford office, managing publishing locations in Oxford, London, Amsterdam, and New York. Her previous roles at Elsevier have included Executive Vice President, Health and Medical Sciences (2012-2015), Senior Vice President for Life Sciences (2009-2012), Publishing Director for Materials Science and Engineering, (2005 – 2009), and Managing Director of Elsevier Advanced Technology (2002 – 2005), in addition to other editorial and marketing positions and Blackwell and Oxford University Press.

  Anne earned her Master’s degree from Oxford University in Biochemistry in 1984. Her career in publishing started a year later when she left her academic research to join the editorial team of her supervising Professor’s journal, Neuroscience. Anne has held various marketing, editorial and sales roles at a number of other major Science-Technology-Medical publishing companies. Her experience ranges across academic and research publishing, including journals, books, business-to-business publications and consumer/business books.

  Anne’s current focus is leading the global portfolio of physical sciences within Elsevier. She is committed to Elsevier’s mission: to be the preferred publisher of choice for best-in-class research content and thereby deliver better outcomes for Elsevier’s researchers. Anne also has a special interest in Elsevier’s investment in driving technology innovations to support greater discoverability for our readers, and to give extra value to our customers, editors, societies and strategic partners.

    联系人:卢歆怡 89201


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