Efficient Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion using Oligoporphyrins and Porphyrin-Polyoxometalate Complexes



报告人:Prof. Laurent Ruhlmann

University of Strasbourg, France


  Laurent Ruhlmann教授将为大家分享卟啉多酸基杂化材料在能源转化领域的最新研究成果与进展,包括多酸基材料光电催化水分解制氢等领域的研究进展。 


  Laurent Ruhlmann, 2011-present:  Professor, University of Strasbourg, Laboratory of Electrochemistry and of Physical Chemistry of the Solid State, Institute of Chemistry (UMR 7177). Head of the Laboratory. First class professor since 2014. Email: lruhlmann@unistra.fr 

    Research:"Electrosynthesis of porphyrins", "Synthesis of polyoxometalates and study of their electrocatalytical properties" and "Synthesis and study of the catalytic behaviour of new hybrid system polyoxometalate–porphyrin(s)". 

报告联系人:金催化中心2302组 张江威(3009

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