Catalyst Development and Application for Electrochemical Storage and Conversion at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)


  报告地点:能源基础楼 一楼会议室

  报告人:K. A. Friedrich 教授

  German Aerospace Center


  Fuel cells, electrolyzers for hydrogen generation from renewable energy, and batteries with superior energy density are acknowledged as essential parts of the necessary transition of the energy system as required by the commitments to climate protection in the frame of COP21 and COP22. With the ratification of these agreements by more than hundred countries it is to be expected that fuel cells, renewable hydrogen and batteries will become important options for emission reduction in many parts of the world.

  In this presentation an overview over the activities regarding catalyst development and application in fuel cells, metal-air batteries and electrolyzers at DLR will be presented. These include novel catalyst for the oxygen reduction in PEMFC, bifunctional systems for alkaline metal-air batteries and novel catalysts for oxygen evolution with superior activity to achieve reduction of Ir loading in PEM electrolyzer. In addition, some system applications of DLR are highlighted to provide an impression of the overall research and development priorities.


  Dr. Andreas Friedrich is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Stuttgart and the Head of the Electrochemical Energy Technology Department at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Stuttgart, Germany.

  His research areas are electrochemical energy conversion and storage, in particular polymer electrolyte fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, system design and optimization and advanced lithium batteries. Dr. Friedrich has authored and coauthored about 150 reviewed papers. He received the Fischer medal (Dechema) in 2009 and the Ertl prize 2014 for his scientific work.

  Dr. Friedrich has an initial background in Physics and Physical Chemistry. Starting with early fundamental work on electrochemical interfaces and electrocatalysts the research has become increasingly application oriented. His doctoral study on non-linear optics at electrochemical interfaces was performed at the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck-Society from 1987 –1990 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. G. Ertl (Nobel prize laurate in Chemistry).

  His former employments include research associate positions at University of Oregon and Research Center Jülich. Senior scientist positions were held at Technical University Munich and ZSW (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research) in Ulm. In 2004 he joined the DLR and University of Stuttgart heading the group focussing on electrolysers, fuel cells and advanced batteries. Priorities are polymer membrane and solid oxide technology as well as “beyond Li-ion” technology in batteries. The primary goals of the group comprise enhanced power density, long lifetime, reduction of precious materials and manufacturing costs, identification of degradation mechanisms in stacks and their prevention, advanced stack design, and optimised integration of fuel cells into energy supply systems. The activities of the group have received the f-cell Award in Silver 2016 for electrolysis components, the Clean Tech Media Award 2012 (Aviation) and the f-cell Award in Silver 2008 (DLR with Airbus).

  报告联系人:505组 毛佳(9307)


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