Building an Integrated Education and Market to Research Innovation Model



报告人:  Montgomery Alger 教授 

   Institute for Natural Gas Research, Pennsylvania State University 


  Successful transition to a future global low carbon energy infrastructure requires balance of both economic and environmental objectives. Although sentiment has shifted markedly in recent years favoring much more emphasis on sustainability many proposed solutions do not have required economic return to justify market investment. Further, globalization and online technology are disrupting businesses across many markets through the combination of new models of operation enabled by technology (some examples: Uber, Airbnb and Alibaba). Education and the linear innovation model of basic research to commercialization are also subject to new design based with technology. Providing better market need to basic research, creating effective multidisciplinary teams, building an integrated collaboration of researchers and commercialization partners are need to reduce cycle-time and improve the level of innovation delivered to the market. Also for preparing today’s student for life-long learning as a member of the 21st century global innovation workforce. This presentation will provide an update on these topics and effort underway.  


  Professor Monty Alger is the Director of the Penn State Institute for Natural Gas Research and Professor of Chemical Engineering. Prior to Penn State, Monty held positions as Senior Vice President for Research Myriant, LLC. Vice President and Chief Technology Officer with Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. He spent 23 years at General Electric (GE) where he led technology development at the Global Research Center, GE Plastics and was the General Manager Technology for the Advanced Materials Business. Before joining GE he was Director of the MIT Albany Chemical Engineering Practice School Station. He is a member of the Shenhua National Institute of Clean and Low Carbon Energy Technical Advisory Board (2010-present); Scientific Advisory Board PTTGC Thailand and Myriant, LLC (2014-present). He was Director, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2009-2012); Council on Competitiveness – Technology Leadership Strategy Initiative Member (2010-2012) and has served on several Chemical Engineering Department Advisory Boards. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He has SB and SM degrees in chemical engineering from MIT (1978) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1982). 

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